What To Pack For A Year Abroad.
Multiple times we have encountered the question that what and how to pack our luggage in such a way, that it does not seem that you have over packed, also you do not fall short of any commodity when you migrate overseas. Here is an elaborate list of commodities that you would certainly require. You can add more stuff if necessary but these items are a must.
- Undergarments that can last up to two weeks without repetition.
- Socks and woolens
- Warm undershirts
- Long sleeve t-shirts
- Short sleeve shirts
- Sweatshirt and hoodies
- Leather Jacket
- Jeans (4-5 pairs)
- A belt or two
- Pajamas
- A pair of formals. (Mandatory)
- Shoes, Flip-flop and casual footwear
- A pair of formal and party footwear.
- Cold weather gear such as gloves, mittens, scarves, mufflers etc.
Toiletry kit (To be packed in a ziplock pouch):
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Toothbrush/toothpaste
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Sanitary Napkins for girls that can last up to six months.
- Brush or comb.
- Razors, trimmers and other shaving supplies
- Contact lenses and solution. (Plain contacts look more presentable on formal occasions.)
- Nail clippers
- Makeup
- Vapour Rub
Important Documents:
- A minimum of $300 in local currency
- wallet
- Important documents (passport, visa, itinerary, plane tickets, ISIC card, etc.) in a single passport or document holder.