French Phrases You Must Know Before You Travel.

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The common belief that French people are generally rude is untrue. The fact is that they are a loving and humble bunch of individuals that welcome tourists equivalent to their population, every year.

French Universities would help you finish off with your education at lower rates, than most of the countries in Europe. Here are some really important phrases, that may help you sail through the streets of France very easily.

Try traveling to this lovely destination someday.

Hello Mrs./Mr./Miss (1)Good eveningHi (informal)Bonjour Madame / Monsieur / Mademoiselle Bonsoir      SalutBoh(n)-zhoormah-dahme/ muh-syuhr/ mah-dah-mwa-sellBoh(n) swarhSah-loo
Excuse  (2)ExcusePardonExcusez-moiPar-doh(n)Ex-kyou-say mwa
Please S'ilvousplaît  Seal voo play
Thank you.Merci.  Mare-see.
. . . very much.. . . bien.. . . bee-ya(n).
You're welcomeJe vous en prieZhuhvoozahnpree
Do you speak English?Parlez-vousanglais ?Par - lay voozah(n)-glay?
I'm here on vacation... for workJe suislà pour les vacances... pour le travailZhuhsweelah poor vac-kahwnse... poor trav-eye
One Response to French phrases you must know before going
  1. Good evening. Thank you…Love your blog!.


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